Libby Sk8er Girl

Libby Sk8er Girl

Libby Sk8er Girl

Libby Book Ad

No. 66: “Gone Sk8in'”

Libby Sk8er Girl No. 66

Created by Brian T. Sullivan
June 1, 2022

Libby Book Ad

Also, check out the Libby Sk8er Girl Collection at Ye Olde Starry Knight Shoppe!

Check out the Libby Sk8er Girl Collection at Ye Olde Starry Knight Shoppe!

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Keep Up with Libby!

Libby Sk8er Girl to shows up every Wednesday. You can keep up by checking back here, or by following @bthingsart and/or @starryknightstudios on Instagram!

Libby’s Scribb1es

'Sup, Dudes!?

Brian went to Star Wars Celebration Anaheim 2022 with his dad and brother this past weekend, and now he's starting an internship, so he didn't have time to draw me this week. (In fact, he didn't even have time to do initial pencil sketches. He did this whole thing freehand with an ink brush!) Unfortunately, this means that there's no clever reference to Order 66 in this comic, even though it's the 66th one and it was made right after Brian went to a Star Wars thing.

Oh well…At least we know now Brian can kind-of draw a driftwood sign with a Pentel Pocket Brush…Supposedly, that's easier than drawing fingers and feet, so there you go…I don't have much else to say, seeing as I've gone sk8in' and all…

Hey, before you go, be sure to check out Polarnoids this Sunday. It's gonna be their 100th comic, so it'll either be really special or trying way too hard. Either way, 100 comics is still something!

L8er Sk8ers!