(Be sure to write “OKAY TO REPRODUCE” and include a name if you want a chance for your letter to be included in a future letters column!)
New issues of Brandy de Hex: Certified Sorceress are being made! Check back soon for updates. You can keep up by checking back here or by following me (Brian) on Instagram @bthingsart or by following Starry Knight Studios @starryknightstudios!
Hey there, Brandy Fans!
It's been a spell...Sorry about that. Things just got a little derailed and that's as good of an excuse as I can give. But, Brandy de Hex is back! Looking at things, if I can stay on a schedule, this story arc will be finished by early December. I know, a story set around Halloween will end after Thanksgiving, but just think: It started being released in January, and I started writing this story in September of 2019! But hopefully, things can be full steam ahead moving forward. (I always say that.) Until then, thanks for reading!